
Sunday, May 12, 2013

And the NYC Fabric Goes to...

Hello all, I am back from my trip to NYC and boy oh boy, did I EVER have a grand time. I truly love that city, it was my third time there. Next time I go, I am taking the small love of my life - so I can brainwash him into loving it too (I am sure it won't be that difficult - given the sheer size of the toy stores!).

I did go to The City Quilter (sooo many fabulous fabrics!!!) and I did pick up these 3 fat quarters of their 'City Line' for the Sew, Mama, Sew! giveaway...

NYC subway in white
Times Square at Night
Susy's New York
And the lucky winner is...Stephanie from 'Quarter Incher' - Comment # 55 (Random numbers generated May 12 2013 at 11:30:54) - Stephanie said,"I would love to go hawaii..still haven't been! I want to go hiking there!"

Congratulations Stephanie!!! Hawaii is one of my most very favourite places - you will love it there when you do go. I will email you to get your particulars, so that I can send you the package of NYC fabric fun. Hope you enjoy!

Thanks to everyone for participating, I had a blast reading through all of your comments - so many amazing adventures, all so unique and exciting. I like best of all that we all define adventure differently.
