
Saturday, February 2, 2013

On my Mind

Ever since I saw this fantastically fabulous quilt by Jolene from Blue Elephant Stitches -it has been on my mind - such inspiration in a photo! I needed a pick me up this weekend -something fun and new and colourful- so I decided to follow my hearts inspiration and make a heart quilt of my own.

I began cutting wee little squares (1.5 inches each) late last night...and laid out my plans.

I was pondering how I was going to sew all these mini squares up into a block and then I remembered that I had bookmarked a tutorial - a mad dash through my bookmarks and I came up with...this tutorial. Genius! 

So, following the tutorial, I drew myself a grid. I drew mine on the back of some lightweight fusible interfacing.  To help guide and keep my lines straight, I used my cutting mat, lining up my ruler on the same line on each side.  The tutorial suggests drawing the grid on some muslin, which I may do next time, as it means you can use it over and over by simply laying your interfacing over top of it to see the squares. 

I flipped the interfacing over and began to lay my squares on top of the fusible side, using the grid to give each of my tiny squares their own little spot. I loved this part - it really spoke to my affinity for organization and orderliness. The interfacing's gluey side has a slight rough surface, which holds the little squares from shifting too much before you iron them.

And the VOILA! I ironed it and so far it looks like this....

Now, to follow the next step in the tutorial, I need to fold along each line (one at a time) and iron it into an accordion of sorts to prepare the sections for sewing.

Not sure what this guy will be made into - likely a mini quilt. I like the opportunity to practice my binding and quilting that a mini quilts offers and also because I think he will look so cute hanging on my sewing room wall.

Happy sewing all!



  1. This is looking great and thanks for sharing the fusible interfacing link, I haven't seen that method before and it's so clever and useful. Love your fabric choices :)

  2. Oh wow! I LOVE this. Such detail! Sweet little "chirp" block!

  3. It is so lovely Lisa. I've been eyeing this design for a while. Your mini quilt is going to look amazing.
