
Thursday, January 3, 2013

Some Stitching

Last week I pulled this fabric....

because I really wanted to make the Perfect Zip Bag (Pattern C) by Elizabeth Hartman. I sewed the fabrics into some funky panels and then those butterflies decided that they needed some stitching...

Enter THIS book...

And OH BOY have I been having some fun! Never having stitched any embroidery before I jumped right in and began to add some colour. Is in not so exciting picking out the floss colours??!!! - there are just soooo many to choose from.

So far, this is what has happened...

I have been using Aneela's book to learn simple stitches, but I can see how much potential it has for future projects - tons of adorable stitching patterns to choose from. 

Once the embroidery stops (no idea how long I will feel the need to keep adding colours), I will sew these two into a bag. Until then I will be happily hand stitching, I think I may be addicted.



  1. love your embroidery...i want to get back into it and this inspires me ...thanks xo

  2. Hi Lisa, your embroidery looks beautiful. I love hand stitching; I find it so relaxing. My mom taught me basic embroidery when I was about 6 years old and I gave it up for some time, mostly lack of time, but I'm trying to get back to it. It is so rewarding. Keep going, your are doing a wonderful job.

  3. This is awesome. Truly. I can not even say how much i love the embroidery outlining those butterflies. What a perfect use of embroidery as a highlight on a fabric. It adds so much dimension to the fabric. Love!
