
Sunday, November 18, 2012

Ovals Update

I sewed and sewed till my hearts content yesterday and guess what???!!! I finished the top to my Happy Hour Quilt! Yay me!!! I began this quilt about a month ago and have previously posted about it here and here.

Piecing this top has been such a learning journey for me - I had never tried sewing curves prior to this quilt. So of course, in the style that I usually work in, I threw myself in whole heartedly and made a gazillion of them. And I must admit, they are pretty cool to sew. Each one that I would complete was like another little 'yay me!' down in my sewing room.

Now it's time to go on to my most favourite part of the process - QUILTING. (Well, I imagine I will baste first!) I absolutely love the process of quilting, it is the moment that all of this beautiful fabric becomes a real quilt - to me it is the moment that it comes to life.

My favourite form of quilting is straight line quilting. I decided to sketch the quilting out first, as I had a few visions and wanted to see them on paper in order to choose the one that I thought suited this quilt best. This is the one that I am going with...

And then I auditioned a few (many few) fabrics for the binding and decided to go with lime green. The lime green sections spoke to me while I was working with this quilt and I decided that I wanted to highlight them through the binding. This lime green is Heatwave from the Chicopee line by Denyse Schmidt.

Hope you all have a fabulous week! Crossing my fingers for some sewing time...



  1. squeee! I. can't. wait.

    I love your quilting choice! Is there a tutorial for your oval blocks? Looking lovely Lisa!!

    xx Fi

  2. You must be a curves master now Lisa! Love the quilting design. I think the straight lines will look great with the oval blocks.

  3. Your quilt turned out great. I have never tried curves myself. I agree though that the quilting part is the best:) Have fun. I can't wait to see the finished product.

  4. Lisa your quilt top turned out so beautiful. Great design for the quilting. I can't wait to see your final result (I'm sure it is going to be stunning). Have fun quilting.

  5. Love your ovals, a whole new design for a quilt, can't wait to see it finished.

  6. Hi lisa! I am visiting on the blogathon!
